
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My cat ate my sonic screwdriver!

Yes, it's true. 
 My sister gave me a little figurine of Doctor who (Tennant) after a visit to England. I got it last week and it was featured in the previous blog post as a picture-series at the end.

Unfortunately this was obviously not the only thing he had been eating that night. First I noticed that the Doctor was missing his sonic screwdriver, which had been there the evening before. Yes, it's tiny, but Amadeus had obviously found it quite intriguing after the first encounter and eaten that tasty little screwdriver.

I don't think the Doctor liked the taste either.....
To everyone out there, who have always wanted to have a nibble on a sonic screwdriver, (or let your cat have a sonic snack) : Don't!

It will be very expensive, let me tell you all about it..

The next day he threw up several times. I thought it wasn't anything serious and just made sure that he got enough water to drink. But when he continued that night (even threw up in my bed while we were about to fall asleep), and into the next day, I decided to go to the veterinarian. Amadeus threw up so violently that he hit his poor little snout on the bathroom floor every time he was at it. (And that was after he had used my carpet and couch as a "bucket" several times.)

Luckily Amadeus didn't explode! ;)
He was very exhausted and not himself when we arrived the vet and they made sure he was given liquids and put him in a incubator to make sure he was warm enough. I had to wait at my parent's house from 14-21 before I could get him back and know exactly what it was. The vet had to open him up and search for the problem after the x-ray showed that something was wrong. She hadn't found the culprit, but I am certain that some of the things he threw up before we went to the vet, had been the troublemakers. A piece of silverpaper that he threw up in the bathroom and a small sonic screwdriver that was found in a small puddle on my carpet.

In the end I am just so grateful that everything went fine and I have my Amadeus back! He is acting all pathetic and repulsingly cute in his little patient-habit. He walks like two humans in a cat-suit. The front human walks with quick, small steps, while the human at the back of the cat-suit walks with long, slow steps.

Oh Amadeus, I am so happy that you have insurance because that operation was expensive! (I'm sure we could have bought a real sonic screwdriver for that money. One you couldn't have eaten because it would be large, awesome and Doctor-worthy!)

Dear Santa, this year we want a sonic screwdriver for Christmas! Because the owner is too poor to buy one herself now.

Yummy....does that taste good?
Amadeus in his little "sweater"
Being tired and post-operation
Look! I'm a Dachshund-kitten! (Shooort legs ;) 
Sonic screwdrivers hurt in belly....


  1. Haha... festelig, og litt trist.. men mest morro :D

  2. Thank you! (He will get the stitches removed today!) Hope he will stay away from sonic screwdrivers from now on... hehe..
